Democrats Throw Woman Out of Hearing for Not Being Woke Enough on Criminal Trans Issues

By the Lobby A Colorado resident was removed while giving testimony on a controversial bill to the state House Judiciary Committee Tuesday. “Sex matters, it matters in prisons, it matters in sports, it matters in my bathroom, misgender is nothing, it means nothing,” the woman says to the committee as trans members of the of

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Fewer Republicans that Gays, According to Colorado House Democrat

By the Lobby Recent claims by outspoken queer Colorado legislator Rep. Leslie Herod that, “there are more young people today who identify as LBGTQ than they do Republican,” have raised more than just a few eyebrows. Herod’s use of squish facts have been called into question in the past, especially during debate of the poorly

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Businesses Flee Denver in Mass Due to Safety Concerns and Remote Work Opportunities

By the Lobby The mass exodus of businesses from Denver has reached a critical point, with CEOs citing financial viability, safety concerns, and cleanliness as the driving factors behind their decision to pack up and leave. The city’s policies and the influx of indigent migrants and homeless individuals have created an environment that is increasingly

Businesses Flee Denver in Mass Due to Safety Concerns and Remote Work Opportunities Read More »

Colorado Democrats Push a radical Climate Change Agenda in Colorado’s Public Schools

By The Lobby Democrat lawmakers are making a new effort to spread their climate change agenda in the state’s public schools. Senate Bill 14, proposed by State Sen. Chris Hanson, aims to introduce what the bill calls “climate literacy” into the curriculum. However, critics argue that this move is just another example of liberal Democrats

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Colorado Democrats Push Controversial Bill, Undermining Parental Rights and Imposing Extreme Ideology on Foster Families

A deeply concerning bill has been introduced in Colorado that seeks to impose a highly controversial and destructive policy on foster families. Colorado HB 24-1017, known as the Bill of Rights for Foster Youth, would compel foster families in the state to affirm the chosen gender identity of a foster child under their care.

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Former Judge’s Opinion on Trump’s Disqualification Raises Concerns

A former Republican judge, Clark Erickson, appointed to hear arguments on whether to disqualify former President Donald J. Trump from the Illinois primary ballot, made headlines on Sunday with his opinion that Trump engaged in insurrection by attempting to remain in office after the 2020 election.

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