Walsh: Sanity is making a comeback

Just a few days after BLM and Antifa set fire to a church outside the White House in the summer of 2020, the mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bowser, issued an emergency order. This wasn’t an order about restoring law and order to the streets of the nation’s capital, or punishing the vandals who had just destroyed property and assaulted Secret Service agents, or anything like that.

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State Department blocks pride, BLM flags from embassies, outposts with ‘one flag policy’

The U.S. State Department has adopted a new policy under the Trump administration that effectively blocks U.S. embassies and outposts from flying Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, a report said Tuesday.

State Department blocks pride, BLM flags from embassies, outposts with ‘one flag policy’ Read More »

Washington Examiner: The Left’s troubling violent rhetoric

President-elect Donald Trump’s commanding reelection victory understandably upset many on the Left who tried for nearly a decade to demonize his brand of populist politics as outside the boundaries of acceptable political discourse. But in the past week, two incidents in New York have triggered an outburst of violent rhetoric that condemns anti-Trumpian leftist rhetoric.

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