
Thousands of noncitizens removed from voter rolls, dozens of lawmakers want answers from Garland

Dozens of lawmakersย in the House and Senate are calling for more information from the Justice Department about efforts to stop noncitizen voting in federal elections, which they call a “serious threat” to election integrity, citing officials in multiple states who have identified noncitizens on their voter rolls.

Thousands of noncitizens removed from voter rolls, dozens of lawmakers want answers from Garland Read More ยป

Parker mayor, City Council forum featuring up to nine candidates is Thursday at Deep Space Lounge

Candidates for mayor and City Council seats in Parker will appear in a forum hosted by the Downtown Business Alliance at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Deep Space Lounge, an email received by the Rocky Mountain Voice indicates.

Parker mayor, City Council forum featuring up to nine candidates is Thursday at Deep Space Lounge Read More ยป

Overbeck: Ranked-choice (Prop. 131) is the scam that can erase your voteย 

Ranked-choice voting (RCV), Proposition 131 on Coloradoโ€™s November ballot, is such a drastic perversion of our nationโ€™s 247-year election standard of one person/one vote that voting for it risks actually losing your vote.

Overbeck: Ranked-choice (Prop. 131) is the scam that can erase your voteย  Read More ยป

Support Amendment H: Judicial discipline procedures and confidentiality

Under existing law, proceedings of the state commission on judicial discipline are confidential. The measure would create a more transparent, new board to hear ethical misconduct complaints against state court judges.

Support Amendment H: Judicial discipline procedures and confidentiality Read More ยป

Support Amendment G: Modification to property tax exemption for disabled veterans

The Colorado Constitution grants a property tax exemption to veterans with 100% service-related disability, and HCR 23-1002 sought to provide the same exemption to those veterans with “individual unemployability” status as determined by U.S. Veterans Affairs.

Support Amendment G: Modification to property tax exemption for disabled veterans Read More ยป

Problems piling up for local ballot measure banning slaughterhouses in Denver

With just weeks left before ballots go out in the mail, opposition to the Denver slaughterhouse ban ballot question is getting a hefty boost with the Denver Democrats joining other unlikely opponents airing their concerns over the issue and the filing of a significant campaign finance complaint against proponents of the measure.

Problems piling up for local ballot measure banning slaughterhouses in Denver Read More ยป