Faye Barnhart

Barnhart: Two years ago, today, Supreme Court ruled favorably in the Dobbs case

It has been two years since the seemingly impossible happened with the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the historic Dobbs decision. Taking a similar course to slavery in the United States, the Supreme Court had made an overarching dismissal of all 50 states laws that previous to 1973 limited or outlawed abortion in all the states.

Barnhart: Two years ago, today, Supreme Court ruled favorably in the Dobbs case Read More ยป

Barnhart: Why is no level of abortion ever enough?

We know that the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry makes its money from abortion, so we can follow the money. We know that taking the lives of innocent human beings is itself hellish and the practice demonic and an important โ€˜religiousโ€™ rite in satanic devil worship. We know that allowing such evil tears at the very fabric of a society, the family, and individual in ways that God has historically judged and dispossessed nations because of the horrible injustice of it.

Barnhart: Why is no level of abortion ever enough? Read More ยป

Barnhart: Abortion doesnโ€™t belong in Coloradoโ€™s Constitution

Healthcare should be about helping people find health. Reproductive healthcare should preserve a womanโ€™s ability to have children. And the right to live is the most basic right for all of us who have everything that makes us human and alive from the moment we are conceived within the protective sphere of our mother.

Barnhart: Abortion doesnโ€™t belong in Coloradoโ€™s Constitution