BREAKING NEWS: Mayor of Georgetown, CO Throws Paw into Presidential Race

By Rocky Mountain Voice Staff

GEORGETOWN, Colo. (Rocky Mountain Voice) – In a surprising turn of events, the beloved Mayor of Georgetown, Parker The Snow Dog, has announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. Known for his fluffy charm and unwavering dedication to his constituents, Parker aims to bring a fresh perspective to the highest office in the land.

At just 5-and-a-half years old, Parker boasts a youthful energy that rivals that of any seasoned politician. In dog years, he’s younger than either presidential candidate, signaling a shift towards a more vibrant leadership style.

Unlike many politicians, Parker has a squeaky clean record. The only thing he did on January 6th was eat treats. Additionally, he’s never fallen up a flight of stairs, demonstrating a level of grace and poise unmatched by his human counterparts.

But Parker’s ambitions don’t stop there. Drawing inspiration from the infamous “Wolf of Wall Street,” Parker plans to become the “Woof of the White House,” promising to sink his teeth into economic reform and fiscal responsibility.

Critics may point out that Parker has never held a job and lives off others, taking handouts of food, shelter, and toys. However, supporters argue that his ability to bring joy and comfort to the masses far outweighs any concerns about his work history.

As Mayor of Georgetown, Parker has already proven his leadership abilities, spreading love and hugs throughout the community. His summer gig as a camp therapy dog for kids with disabilities has endeared him to many, showcasing his compassionate nature and dedication to serving others.

With a social media following that rivals some celebrities, Parker has the platform to amplify his message of unity and positivity. Whether he’s promoting ice fishing or greeting Broncos players with good luck hugs, Parker’s influence knows no bounds.

While some may view Parker’s presidential bid as a joke, his supporters see it as a beacon of hope in a world filled with political turmoil. One thing is for certain: Parker The Snow Dog is ready to lead with love, one paw at a time.

Follow Parker’s presidential journey on his social media channels and stay tuned for updates on his campaign trail. #Parker2024 #WoofForPresident 🐾🇺🇸







… APRIL FOOLS! 🤣 From the staff here at Rocky Mountain Voice (although we’d love for this to be real).