NYC firefighters forced to remove flag for 9/11 heroes after leftwing questioning, but backlash saves day

By Nick Arama | Red State

We’ve seen a lot of bad stories this weekend that seem to have a common theme: people on the left seem on the march to try to stomp on everything that they don’t like or find problematic, including things like the White House forbidding religious displays on an Easter egg design contest and proclaiming Easter Sunday “Transgender Visibility Day.” 

Now comes another story that’s also a sign of leftists seemingly trying to stomp on something incredibly important. 

Apparently, someone complained about a flag that firefighters had on one of their trucks at Ladder Company 11 in the East Village. The company had a flag with a red line in it honoring six of their brethren who were killed on 9/11 as they bravely tried to save people.