Boyd: Contrary to media claims, inflation index shows Americans still face sky-high prices

By Jordan Boyd | Commentary, The Federalist

Contrary to the corporate media cabal’s desperate attempt to paint the Consumer Price Index report for June 2024 as a sign that inflation “cooled” and will continue “cooling” and “slowing” the closer the nation gets to November’s presidential election, Americans are still paying higher prices on basic day-to-day goods and services than they did in the last four years.

When the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released its latest inflation index showing a 0.1 percent decrease in prices from May 2024 to June 2024, press outlets and the Democrat regime rushed to bill the data as a sign that inflation is “at its lowest level in more than three years.”

The New York Times’ Paul Krugman, whose partisan commentary on American families’ financial straits is notoriously out of touch, claimed the CPI’s report means the record high prices that have plagued the nation are “plummeting.” CNN also framed the latest month-over-month data as “Good news for US consumers” because it indicated inflation “fell for the first time since the early part of the pandemic.”


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