Ganahl: Trump’s Got This

By Heidi Ganahl | Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

Conservatives have awakened to a new political landscape, and it’s becoming clear that Trump is the leader they need to navigate through it.

Kamala Harris, having avoided the rigorous process of a primary, has emerged seemingly unscathed and well-prepared. However, Trump’s campaign is far from being blindsided. Instead, they are rallying with a renewed vigor, ready to showcase the stark differences between Harris’s radical agenda and Trump’s vision for America.

Harris has closed the gap with Trump in some polls — likely due to the sigh of relief of Democrats after dumping sickly Biden — but this is only the beginning of the battle. Trump’s supporters and campaign team are determined not to let this initial surge of Harris’s popularity deter them.

J.D. Vance hit the nail on the head when he referred to Harris’s sudden rise as an “extra-democratic appointment.” While it wasn’t a coup in the traditional sense, it certainly felt like a strategic maneuver to bypass the democratic process and present a carefully curated candidate who could appeal to a broad audience without undergoing the scrutiny of a primary.

Kamala Harris now seems to be running an online campaign that looks artificially manufactured, and it’s becoming more obvious to everyone. Even she might admit to it. But here’s the thing: it’s early August, and we all know the American public doesn’t have the longest attention span. At best, people focus on something for about a week, even if it’s something as dramatic as an assassination attempt that had President Trump get shot on live TV.

A lot of my fellow conservatives are getting caught up in the moment. They see this temporary bump in Harris’s popularity from the astroturf campaign and think it will last forever. It won’t. The American public can only care about so much for so long. People tend to overreact and make bold statements based on what’s happening right now, without considering the bigger picture.

Eventually, this fake popularity campaign will wear thin. The public will get bored and start looking for new and genuine ideas. When that happens, the reality will set back in: illegal immigrants are taking jobs from American citizens, straining our resources and getting more help than struggling Americans.

People will go back to their daily lives, dealing with grocery bills, school supplies and the costs of car and home repairs. When this happens, all the money spent on Harris’s campaign will go to waste. Harris has been part of the problem, contributing to the economic decline and the deterioration of our way of life, with no intention of changing course.

Harris’s rise without a primary is a critical point. The primary process serves as a gauntlet, a necessary vetting procedure where candidates are exposed, their policies dissected, and their true colors revealed. By avoiding this, Harris has managed to keep her more radical positions under wraps. But Trump, with his straightforward and fearless approach, is poised to bring these to the forefront. The Democrats may have thought they could outmaneuver the GOP by presenting Harris as a fresh, unblemished candidate, but they underestimated the “waking up” of American voters in the last year.

Let’s not forget Harris’s track record. Since her failed 2020 presidential bid, she has consistently aligned herself with the most progressive elements of her party. She has supported everything from gender ideology and the idea of defunding the police to radical immigration reforms. Her stance on issues like ICE and fracking reveal a candidate who leans far more left than the average American voter might realize. Trump’s campaign is committed to exposing these positions and showing the American public that Harris is not the moderate she claims to be.

It’s important to remember that many Americans are disillusioned with the current state of affairs. Rising inflation, concerns about gender ideology in schools, and the fear of increasing crime rates are at the forefront of many voters’ minds. Harris’s association with figures like Randi Weingarten and her ties to the far-left agenda are issues that should be brought to the voters’ attention. The Democrats’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the influence of teachers’ unions, left many parents frustrated and disillusioned. Trump, with his focus on law and order and economic stability, presents a stark contrast to Harris’s far-left policies.

The real question is how Republicans should effectively communicate this message to the American people. We should highlight the consequences of Harris’s policies, especially in critical swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. We need to ask voters whether they want their states to follow in the footsteps of California, and now Colorado, both states that has seen an exodus of residents due to high taxes, rampant homelessness, and a deteriorating quality of life. With Harris’s political roots in San Francisco, it’s a valid question that deserves to be asked.

Moreover, the issue of immigration cannot be overlooked. With 10 million migrants entering the country since Harris was put in charge of the border, the question of how much more the system can handle is more pressing than ever. States like Colorado, Texas and New York have already faced the strain of this influx, with hospitals and schools overwhelmed. Trump’s firm stance on border security offers a clear alternative to the chaos that has ensued under the current administration.

In this election, Trump has the opportunity to present himself as the candidate of stability, common sense, and American values. By doing so, Trump can attract not only his base but also independent voters and moderate Democrats who are dissatisfied with the direction the country has taken.

We have a golden opportunity to expose Kamala Harris’s true political leanings and present a compelling case for Trump’s re-election.  Don’t let up for one minute, we have under 100 days to fight like hell for our candidate, and our country.   Download the Turning Point Action app on your phone and get to work.  It’s super simple, all the voter data you need is loaded in, and you can help here in Colorado or in key races across the country.  You can text, send postcards or call voters from your couch.   Show up at rallies and volunteer with your local conservative group.  Call out the Democrat lies about Harris on social.  

When we talk to our friends, our family, our co-workers, we should stay focused on the issues, communicate a positive and hopeful vision for the future, and avoid the pitfalls of unnecessary attacks. We can effectively counter Harris’s attempt to present herself as a moderate and win over the American people; simply ask them, what has she done as VP to make life better for you? Are you better off than you were in 2020?

The 2024 election is a pivotal moment, and Trump is poised to lead the charge toward a brighter, more prosperous future for all Americans.  If Trump can take a bullet for us, we can spend an hour or two a day firing up voters to help him win this Fall.

Finally, let’s allow Trump to run his race, he knows a few things about winning.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.