Grice: The last person in the room caused this nightmare in America

By Rick Grice | Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

For three-plus years now, a constant topic of conversation among most sentient observers of the American political scene has been, “Who do you really think is actually running the White House?”  Susan Rice? Barack Obama? Lately, Jill Biden?  Who? 

I know that in countless conversations I’ve had during the Biden-Harris presidency, that very question has come up repeatedly.

Now we know the answer: Kamala Harris.  She has boasted that for every major decision made during the Biden-Harris regime, she was the last person in the room.  Whether or not one believes that assertion, she claimed it so she must, without exception, be held to it.  Therefore, she signed onto, and by inference, agreed with every disastrous policy Biden has put into place. 

Perhaps this is why, to the bitter end, Harris insisted that Biden was the most vigorous, hard-working, intelligent man in the administration — until he wasn’t.  Then, overnight, he became a doddering old man, and she became Joan of Arc, Golda Meir and Margret Thatcher all rolled up into one.

Where do we begin when discussing her decision-making ability?  How about our calamitous defeat and withdrawal from Afghanistan?  She bragged to Dana Bash on CNN that she was the last person in the room when the decision was made to abandon our last toehold there.  That poorly executed abandonment/retreat cost 13 American lives, hundreds of American citizens and tens of thousands of our supporters left to the mercy of the Taliban, priceless intelligence data, and billions upon billions worth of sophisticated military equipment left behind. 

How about border security?  As the border czar, she wasn’t just the last person in the room, she was the room.  From a historically secure border, and getting stronger every day when Trump left office, to a virtually nonexistent border, the entire border crisis can be laid directly at the czar’s feet.  She’s let in millions upon millions of undocumented people from all over the world, including terrorists who want to kill us all, and hardened, vicious criminals who are now raping and murdering our citizens.  She has sold, for pennies on the dollar, un-erected fencing that cost us millions.  She is now claiming she is going to get tough on the border when she had the tools and the authority to get it done three-plus years ago.

And what has the last person in the room done for the economy?  By almost every measure, the economy has been a train wreck ever since Harris-Biden have taken the reins of power.  Every aspect of our lives has become more and more expensive because of her policies.  Real wages are down, interest rates have tripled, credit card debt is at an all-time high, and Harris’s answer to this economic horror show is price controls.  If she ever does decide to give an interview, I hope she is asked, “Can you name one country where price controls have ever worked?”  Of course she can’t, because they never have and only lead to shortages and long lines everywhere.  Ask the people of Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, and the old Soviet Union how government price controls worked out for them.

The list goes on and on of decisions made by Harris-Biden that have turned out to be almost universally bad.  Feckless foreign policy, massive government handouts, coddling of lawless behavior in our streets and on our campuses, the loss of morale among our fighting men and women, and on and on. 

Kamala Harris is now trying to convince us that she is different from Joe Biden, that she will fix all the problems that they have created. She will not.  She will only make them worse because she, after all, was the last person in the room.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.