Speaker Johnson: Only Americans should decide our elections. Here’s how Congress can guarantee it.

By Speaker Mike Johnson | Commentary, Fox News

There are few things more important to our country than ensuring the integrity of our elections. The people rightfully demand it, and Congress has a duty to act.  

Yet, when given the opportunity to eliminate one of the most glaring threats to fair elections, 198 House Democrats voted instead to keep the door open to fraud. 

The threat is very real. In nearly all 50 states today — including every major electoral battleground state — a noncitizen can walk into a DMV or welfare office, fill out a federal voter registration form, claim they are a U.S. citizen, and be registered to vote.  That noncitizen can then cast a ballot and help decide the direction of America. 

This is not a hypothetical problem. I was recently in San Diego, CA to tour the new epicenter of the Biden-Harris border catastrophe where brave, overworked Customs and Border Protection agents have encountered millions of illegals. The agents told me the Biden-Harris Executive Order isn’t working the way the administration says it is. In some ways, it’s made the crisis worse.  


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