Hamas-linked individual entered executive office building, met with National Security Council

By Robert Schmad | Daily Caller

President Joe Biden’s National Security Council (NSC) hosted the head of Rahma Worldwide, a health nonprofit that has collaborated with Hamas on multiple occasions, the Washington Examiner reported.

The NSC met with Shadi Zaza, Rahma Worldwide’s CEO, and other Syrian-American community leaders on Sept. 11 in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building to discuss how the U.S. can best counter the Assad regime in Syria, the Examiner reported. Zaza’s group, however, signed a cooperation agreement with Hamas in August, and Zaza himself was photographed alongside Hamas officials days before the terrorist organization carried out attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

“We have spoken at length about our condemnation of Hamas and the horrible atrocities they committed on Oct. 7,” an NSC spokesperson told the Examiner, stressing that they were not aware of Rahma’s links to Hamas. The staffers who allowed an individual “openly supporting a foreign terrorist organization like Hamas to enter the Eisenhower Executive Office Building are either grossly incompetent or fully support Hamas,” an anonymous senior Republican Senate staffer who works on national security issues said to the Examiner.