
Colorado First Amendment attorney weighs in on the legalities of protest in government buildings

Political protests have happened in America since before it officially became a country. Many Americans point to the Constitution’s First Amendment as a defining principle. The Founding Fathers specifically forbid Congress from “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Colorado First Amendment attorney weighs in on the legalities of protest in government buildings Read More »

Colorado lawmakers grill officials over wolf release communication failures

Lawmakers grilled officials from the Department of Natural Resources and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, who found themselves on the hot seat on Wednesday at the state Capitol, where policymakers described communication failures and problems tied to the release of wolves in Grand and Summit counties last month.

Colorado lawmakers grill officials over wolf release communication failures Read More »

Governor Polis Boasts About Leading the Nation in Psychedelics, Continuing to Ignore Potential Risks

During his recent State of the State address, Governor Jared Polis proudly declared that Colorado is once again leading the nation, this time in the realm of psychedelic drugs. Drawing parallels to Colorado’s pioneering role in the legalization of marijuana, Polis celebrated the emerging psychedelic reform movement and its potential benefits.

Governor Polis Boasts About Leading the Nation in Psychedelics, Continuing to Ignore Potential Risks Read More »

COLUMN: Meet Colorado’s new Republican establishment | Jimmy Sengenberger

Williams refuses the same courtesy to other congressional candidates, punting the decision to the party’s executive committee. You can’t miss the hypocrisy, especially since Williams reportedly counseled former COGOP Vice Chairwoman Priscilla Rahn to resign before running for Douglas County commissioner.

COLUMN: Meet Colorado’s new Republican establishment | Jimmy Sengenberger Read More »