
Pavlich: Your hard-earned dollars shouldn’t go to Leftist media outlets

Each year, more than $500 million of your hard-earned tax dollars get funneled through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and into the bank account of National Public Radio (NPR), a far-left media outlet dedicated to tearing down America and the values you believe in.

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Rosen: The left’s assault on American patriotism

The conventional definition of patriotism is love for and loyalty to one’s country. A 2023 survey published in the Wall Street Journal found that only 38% of respondents thought patriotism was very important to them, down sharply from 70% when that question was first asked in 1998.While 59% of seniors 65 and older feel that way today, only 23% of adults under 30 do.

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Martinez: Court sends a reminder; tax hikes require voter consent

In a major victory for taxpayers, a unanimous panel of the Colorado Court of Appeals agreed with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation’s Taxpayer Defense Center (NTUF) that an overnight doubling of the property taxes in a few Northern Colorado counties violated the Colorado Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR).

Martinez: Court sends a reminder; tax hikes require voter consent Read More »

Raleigh: Joe Biden’s signature achievement is his list of broken promises

President Joe Biden’s Energy Department canceled its plan to purchase millions of barrels of oil to refill the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The cancellation means the Biden administration is unlikely to fulfill its promise of fully replenishing the SPR by the end of the year, and the SPR will remain at a historically low level after the administration depleted it in 2022. 

Raleigh: Joe Biden’s signature achievement is his list of broken promises Read More »

Sloan: Speaker Mike Johnson has chance to lead on Ukraine

House Speaker Mike Johnson is experiencing a defining moment in his career. As Congress resumes, he seems to have successfully – one hopes – hammered out a workable deal to finally get arms flowing to the Ukrainians as their defense starts to falter.

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Editorial: Trump abortion policy a turn toward state’s rights

The Founding Fathers of a young nation they called the United States of America never had the intention for an over-intrusive federal government to create a nanny state, where our every action is regulated and legislated. We were to be an independent, free people; a republic, if we could keep it.

Editorial: Trump abortion policy a turn toward state’s rights Read More »

Krannawitter: Without mutual civic trust, there would have been no American Founding

The Signers of the Declaration of Independence concluded with a famous and solemn pledge—their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. This was no small matter. What they were calling “revolution” was, from the British point of view, treason against the Crown and punishable by death. Yet, the Signers stood strong and launched the greatest experiment in freedom the world has witnessed, a movement held together by a powerful kind of social and political glue: Trust.

Krannawitter: Without mutual civic trust, there would have been no American Founding Read More »

The Left’s latest scheme to permanently change elections in America

Imagine a Super Bowl referee bending the rules to give his favorite team the win. Few would call that fair. Yet that is precisely what the Left wants to do to America’s elections. From noncitizen voting to lawsuits inviting activist judges to rewrite our election laws, left-wing activists are taking every opportunity to change elections permanently for partisan gain.

The Left’s latest scheme to permanently change elections in America Read More »