
Denver official caught telling illegal immigrants to leave, go somewhere else

Denver is a sanctuary city. It’s a haven for these people, thanks to a Democrat-led effort that’s enticed tens of millions to cross into the country illegally. It’s part of the Democrats’ plan to increase their clout on Capitol Hill: flood the country with illegals, increase the population, generate new congressional districts, and select candidates of similar ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Denver official caught telling illegal immigrants to leave, go somewhere else Read More »

NYC firefighters forced to remove flag for 9/11 heroes after leftwing questioning, but backlash saves day

We’ve seen a lot of bad stories this weekend that seem to have a common theme: people on the left seem on the march to try to stomp on everything that they don’t like or find problematic, including things like the White House forbidding religious displays on an Easter egg design contest and proclaiming Easter Sunday “Transgender Visibility Day.” 

NYC firefighters forced to remove flag for 9/11 heroes after leftwing questioning, but backlash saves day Read More »

The Last Gasp of the Liberal Colorado Press

Gov. Jared Polis and his cronies are very mad that a real newsman is doing the job they refuse to do.  We started Rocky Mountain Voice to report factual, real news, to allow Coloradans to have the knowledge to make better decisions — in government and culture, all in one place.  We thought they’d eventually be scared of us, but we didn’t realize the establishment media would be quaking in their boots within the first two months!

The Last Gasp of the Liberal Colorado Press Read More »