
NYC firefighters forced to remove flag for 9/11 heroes after leftwing questioning, but backlash saves day

We’ve seen a lot of bad stories this weekend that seem to have a common theme: people on the left seem on the march to try to stomp on everything that they don’t like or find problematic, including things like the White House forbidding religious displays on an Easter egg design contest and proclaiming Easter Sunday “Transgender Visibility Day.” 

NYC firefighters forced to remove flag for 9/11 heroes after leftwing questioning, but backlash saves day Read More »

Trump demands Biden apologize for proclaiming Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

President Joe Biden has declared March 31, 2024, which falls on Easter Sunday, as “Transgender Day of Visibility,” sparking uproar among conservatives and scathing criticism from former President Donald Trump, who demanded that the president apologize to millions of Christians in the United States.

Trump demands Biden apologize for proclaiming Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Read More »

In new poll, voters support almost anyone over Haley as Trump’s VP pick, favor DeSantis

Republican and independent voters appear open to just about anyone former President Donald Trump is considering as his running mate, with one exception — former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

In new poll, voters support almost anyone over Haley as Trump’s VP pick, favor DeSantis Read More »