Krannawitter: From Decoration Day to Memorial Day, the history of honoring those who gave all
What is now officially Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day, a uniquely American holiday born from the ashes of the America War.
What is now officially Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day, a uniquely American holiday born from the ashes of the America War.
The Hayman fire in 2002 was one of the worst in Colorado’s history. What’s more appalling is it was started by one person whose responsibility it was to make sure forest fires don’t happen in the first place.
Caldara: Looming gas price hike entirely Jared Polis’ doing Read More »
I did a double-take when I saw the headline: “Meeker County to call on Congress to pay up for federal lands.”
Walcher: The importance of Jim Evans in the battle for PILT Read More »
The Southern Ute Indian Tribe has often faced attacks on its jurisdiction since that time in an effort by non-tribal members to undermine the Tribe’s sovereignty and economically benefit non-Natives. Few of those have been as brazen as that of Brunot. However, this year the Tribe experienced another attack with the actions of the City of Durango (City) in attempting to annex Reservation land, which Tribal Council swiftly addressed.
It appears the U.S. House of Representatives has entered an era of unprecedented bipartisan cooperation. Within the last month, a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans voted to approve a rule to advance foreign aid to Ukraine and defeat a motion to vacate the chair and oust Speaker Mike Johnson from his office.
Caldara: The case for a 90-day Colorado legislative session Read More »
It’s getting harder and harder to pretend the war in Ukraine, now in its third year, is about “defending democracy,” as our political elites in Washington insist.
Davidson: Whatever U.S. elites are defending in Ukraine, it isn’t democracy Read More »
The primary educators and caregivers of children are their parents. It actually does not take a village to raise a child, it only takes parents.
Barnhart: Learning to live with the uncertainty of parenting Read More »
The contributions of immigrants have enriched our country’s strength and diversity, a fact that we should all appreciate.
Devotional: What the Old and New Testament have to say on immigration Read More »
George Will recently wrote a rather chilling column, pointing out something so obvious that it has escaped much attention. That is this: while much of the world is obsessed over climate change, to the point of spending trillions of dollars annually, virtually no attention is being paid to another hypothetical scenario, one that is at least as real in potential (if not more so) as climate change and which bears far more immediate and devastating consequences – that is the threat of nuclear war.
Sloan: The greater threat to the planet Read More »