Barnhart: Two years ago, today, Supreme Court ruled favorably in the Dobbs case

By Faye Barnhart | Guest Columnist, Rocky Mountain Voice

It has been two years since the seemingly impossible happened with the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the historic Dobbs decision. Taking a similar course to slavery in the United States, the Supreme Court had made an overarching dismissal of all 50 states laws that previous to 1973 limited or outlawed abortion in all the states.

Even in Colorado — the first notorious state for allowing abortion — it was originally limited to 16 weeks and needed a three-panel of doctors and the permission of the husband. As archaic as that may sound, it shows how compromising with evil has gotten us to where we are today, where more than 2,000 children are legally tortured to death every month in Colorado, from conception through all nine months of pregnancy.

According to abortionists, 98 percent of these mothers were perfectly healthy and the children could have been placed in any one of thousands of loving homes waiting to adopt a baby.

After 50 years of deception and reprogramming the American people to think it’s a right for a mother to kill her own children, the court put it back onto the states. Prior to the Civil War, states decided whether to allow slavery in their states until it became nationally-banned. Of course, law has to be enforced to be effective. While slavery is illegal, and our enemies crossing the southern border is illegal, it doesn’t matter if those in the executive office of our government don’t care to enforce the law or keep their oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

Regardless, abortion should be banned nationally. It is in the United States government’s best interest not to kill its own future citizens who will be the workforce, military and wealth of this future nation. It is also morally prudent not to tear at the fabric of its own people by tearing families and causing irreparable physical and psychological harm to women of childbearing age. Sociologists haven’t begun to study the devastating consequences of abortion on men, churches and our communities, though we know they are very real as we observe them.

It will take the pro-life states pushing as hard as they can, and those of us pushing from behind in these backwards states, to move the nation forward to protect all children. While God is separating the wheat from the chaff in these last days of the church on Earth, we also cannot sit idly by for whatever months, years, decades or however long we may have left allowing evil to overrun us. If those of us with a moral compass of love do nothing to stop the exploitation of women and the brutal murder of their children, then those without a moral compass make the law and we all suffer the consequences for it.

These children with faces, fingers and toes within the first seven weeks of life and with a future, destiny and hope already created in the image of God from the first moment of living deserve the same right to live that you and I enjoy. Without that, no other rights exist. If we do not stand up for the most vulnerable among us, then who will stand up for us?

Until the U.S. Constitution is properly applied to all living human beings, we must stop this slippery slope of following behind culture. We must stand on the rock of truth so society can find it. We must be as bold standing for the truth as the opposition stands for lies.

The Colorado Life Initiative is a grassroots movement in the body of Christ mobilizing communities to pray, educate, and proactively change law to protect all living children from child sacrifice in Colorado. Find out more at .

Faye Barnhart is a Life Affirming Specialist and Women’s Advocate of 19 years, served in a federal think tank on the co-occurrence of adult and child violence and in pregnancy care centers. A prelaw student and aid at the Colorado state capitol, she finished her degree and pursued a career in communications while raising children as a single parent. A follower of Jesus Christ, she is now married to a farmer in rural Colorado, mother of adult married children and an adopted special needs son, and grandmother to several miracle babies including a grandson who needed life-saving surgery at birth.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.