
Moore: The case for ‘Draining the Swamp’ is stronger than ever

The latest official employment report finds once again that the federal government and state-local hiring spree is still in full gear. Over the past year, health care and government hiring has outpaced every private sector industry. It isn’t just the IRS bringing on thousands of new workers. The bloat is everywhere.

Moore: The case for ‘Draining the Swamp’ is stronger than ever Read More »

Kirk: To secure the White House in 2024, we must win low-propensity voters

As the media world and D.C. insiders become increasingly transfixed by the fallout from President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, it becomes more important than ever that the conservative movement remains steadfastly focused on the most important things — namely, registering voters and chasing their ballots.

Kirk: To secure the White House in 2024, we must win low-propensity voters Read More »

Tooker: Why am I opposed to the 400,000-acre proposed Dolores River National Monument?

The proposed Dolores River National Monument will stonewall all economic processes that our community has worked toward. We deserve the opportunity to see those locally-led and locally-developed processes through. We do not want to be force-fed a single recreation industry, nor do we want to be wiped off the map like other national monument communities.

Tooker: Why am I opposed to the 400,000-acre proposed Dolores River National Monument? Read More »

Wood: Gov. Polis’ ‘Roadmap 2.0’ is not economically sustainable, equitable, environmentally balanced or fact-based

This past February, Gov. Jared Polis introduced his “Roadmap 2.0” that aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions in Colorado by 2050.

Wood: Gov. Polis’ ‘Roadmap 2.0’ is not economically sustainable, equitable, environmentally balanced or fact-based Read More »

Sweeting: On Independence Day, let’s review America’s three founding documents

America’s founding was deeply influenced by the principles of Christianity. While our nation has not always lived up to our ideals, the principle of human dignity and the promises of “liberty and justice for all,” articulated in 1776, still stirs our hearts today. 

Sweeting: On Independence Day, let’s review America’s three founding documents Read More »

Devotional: A deeper understanding of freedom, and the true essence of independence

As we celebrate another Fourth of July, a day that symbolizes the very essence of freedom and independence, it’s crucial to reflect on the deeper meaning of this cherished value. Some may view “Freedom” as the ability to do whatever we please, but upon closer examination, this perspective is flawed.

Devotional: A deeper understanding of freedom, and the true essence of independence Read More »