John Fabbricatore

Fabbricatore: Why I am running for Colorado’s 6th District in Congress

I constantly hear how difficult it is for a Republican to win the seat in the 6th Congressional District in Colorado. It’s been a tough battle for many years, but this seat was held by Republican leadership since 1983, represented by former Congressmen Daniel Schaefer, Tom Tancredo, and Mike Coffman.

Fabbricatore: Why I am running for Colorado’s 6th District in Congress Read More »

Fabbricatore: A law enforcement leader’s perspective on the assassination attempt on President Trump

Have you ever experienced a situation where things happen that are done right, but still go horribly wrong? The recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life is a stark example of this.

Fabbricatore: A law enforcement leader’s perspective on the assassination attempt on President Trump Read More »

Independence Day: Some cite Reagan, Trump, but Gardner goes way back to Adams in Twitter greetings

While Coloradans were enjoying parades, rodeos and cookouts in celebration Thursday of Independence Day, elected Republican officials past, present and possibly future turned to Twitter.

Independence Day: Some cite Reagan, Trump, but Gardner goes way back to Adams in Twitter greetings Read More »

Flora heads up panel addressing ‘complex problem’ of illegal immigration, HB 19-1124 and sanctuaries

It might be a complex problem but the solution could be quite simple, participants in an immigration forum told a large audience gathered here Wednesday in Douglas County.

Flora heads up panel addressing ‘complex problem’ of illegal immigration, HB 19-1124 and sanctuaries Read More »