
Slemenda: It’s America’s birthday, and we’re still the best

Ah, The Fourth of July. By far my favorite holiday. The fourth serves as a time for Americans to kick back, crack open their favorite ice-cold domestic beer, watch fireworks recreate that rocket’s red glare and celebrate the fact that we live in the greatest country in human history.

Slemenda: It’s America’s birthday, and we’re still the best Read More »

Krannawitter: These self-evident ideals remain true today

Several years ago, The New York Times launched a new progressive initiative called The 1619 Project. It has been wildly popular and has garnered significant acclaim, turning obscure journalists and writers into DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) celebrities. Materials from The 1619 Project are now being transformed into curricula and distributed to schools across the country, likely including the schools your children attend.

Krannawitter: These self-evident ideals remain true today Read More »

York: Biden’s big Dirty Harry ‘make my day’ bluff was called by Trump

Until a week ago, President Joe Biden seemingly had the age issue under control. Yes, he had senior moments, some of which were quite severe, such as the episode at the White House Juneteenth concert in which he weirdly froze for two minutes, silent, eyes fixed straight ahead, body absolutely motionless.

York: Biden’s big Dirty Harry ‘make my day’ bluff was called by Trump Read More »

Yoffe: Something is wrong with Joe Biden. It’s time for him to be assessed by doctors who will tell the truth.

It is time for Joe Biden, the president of the United States, to submit to a medical assessment performed by a group of independent doctors, doctors who are given carte blanche to release their findings. After Biden’s alarming performance at last week’s presidential debate, his stumbling over words, his inability to form a coherent argument, his slack jaw and blank stare, it became undeniable that something drastic had happened to the 81-year-old leader of the free world. It is time for the public to know what is wrong—and what isn’t wrong—with him.

Yoffe: Something is wrong with Joe Biden. It’s time for him to be assessed by doctors who will tell the truth. Read More »

Boyd: Hunter wants his dad in power because the Presidency profits and protects the Bidens

Hunter’s motives for keeping his father as the floundering spectacle that even the propaganda press suddenly agrees he’s become, however, are far more sinister than outlets like the Times are willing to let on.

Boyd: Hunter wants his dad in power because the Presidency profits and protects the Bidens Read More »

West: Are we the champions?

Greetings, y’all, I am still on cloud nine after my alma mater, the Tennessee Volunteers, won the College World Series and completed a record-setting 60-win season. It has been a while since we had a national championship on Rocky Top. I remember when the Vols won the first BCS college football championship against Florida State in Tempe, Arizona. I was stationed at Ft. Bragg (yeah, that’s what it is) and ran out into a cold North Carolina evening to scream. The topic of this missive is a play on the words from the song by the rock band Queen, “We Are the Champions.” We all know the words to that song and the refrain.

West: Are we the champions? Read More »

Cooper: The media doesn’t do their job, so you must to get real election answers

Polling shows more than 55% of voters believe the voting system in the United States is problematic: a huge concern for a republic. What is fueling this? Elected officials who openly crush any form of transparency and block investigations, and a news media that does not question or investigate anything related to election claims.  

Cooper: The media doesn’t do their job, so you must to get real election answers Read More »

Harsanyi: Biden just put on most disastrous debate performance in Presidential history

Sure, it might sound like hyperbole, but I can’t think of a more devastating presidential debate performance than the one Joe Biden had in his first meeting with Donald Trump. Indeed, even with abnormally low expectations, Biden tripped over them as if they were sandbags. After watching post-debate reaction, it’s safe to say no modern presidential debate has ever rattled a political party quite like this one.

Harsanyi: Biden just put on most disastrous debate performance in Presidential history Read More »